Monday, January 02, 2006

A Response to Ron Galloway: Part II

It appears that Ron is really not happy with me. Below is his latest retort verbatim (my comments in parentheses):

"I stand by my initial assessment of Ron Galloway's film"

That would be.....your initial assessment based upon NOT seeing it.
(GRAMMAR: Ellipsis marks are three consecutive periods, not five)

Backed up by your "standing by" it after STILL not seeing it. (FRAGMENT SENTENCE)


I stand by my initial assessment of you being unworthy of assessment.
(INCORRECT WORD CHOICE? The original sentence implies that I am unworthy of assessment which doesn't make sense. Given the tone, a more appropriate sentence might read, "I stand by my assessment of you being an unworthy assessor."

Ron Galloway


If you feel the need to clarify please do so but I can interpret your response in one of two ways. If you were saying that I, as a person criticizing your film, am unworthy of assessment, perhaps what you meant to say was something along the lines of what I say does not merit a response by you. Since you have responded twice to what I have said in the past it would appear that what I say does merit a response. If you were suggesting that I am an unworthy ASSESSOR, you’d be wrong. Let’s look at it this way Ron, if I’m not worthy of making assessments of low-budget documentaries, exactly who is? When you offer up your films to the public you are, by the nature of your position as filmmaker, susceptible to criticism. If your film’s concept is problematic, I see no reason why not seeing the film would preclude criticism. In the instances where I have assumed content about your film, I believe that for the most part I am noting predictable material. Nevertheless, I would be more than happy to reassess your film once I view it. I expect that my position will not change.


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